Bookeo News
November 26, 2012
New reports now available. More flexibility with prepaid packages
We’ve recently added two new reports to your arsenal:
- Promotions: list all your promotions and their associated stats (how many time a promotion has been used, what is the limit of usages, etc)
- Prepaid credits: list all the prepaid credits currently owned by your customers, what services they cover, when thy expire, etc. This report is especially useful for schools that rely mostly on prepaid packages for their payments, to remind customers when credits are running low, and so on.
Following popular demand you can now decide to retroactively apply changes to a prepaid package to credits already purchased – for example if you add a new type of class and you want to offer it to customers that already purchased credits, it is now possible.
To do so, simply check the apposite option in the page where you set the prepaid package properties.